Pupil crossing fears

Angie Greenwood, Tracey Race and Angela Cartwright (d610b340)Angie Greenwood, Tracey Race and Angela Cartwright (d610b340)
Angie Greenwood, Tracey Race and Angela Cartwright (d610b340)
Concerned parents have started a petition for a crossing over a busy stretch of road used by school pupils.

Parents of Mirfield Free Grammar pupils say lives are in danger on the A62 at the junction with Slipper Lane.

Head teacher Lorraine Barker, who has backed the campaign, said she was “dreading a fatality”.

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Children travelling from Hartshead and Roberttown are confronted with three lanes of traffic in a 40mph zone.

Parent Angela Cartwright said: “It’s a really hairy bit to cross. Many of the kids are not sure what to do – sometimes they run into the middle of the road and then run back.”

The petition, which has so far attracted 62 signatures, calls on Kirklees Council to install a pelican or puffin crossing to protect children.

Ms Cartwright, of Liversedge, said she knew of two children who had been hit in the road, but were not seriously injured.

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She added: “I’ve witnessed a few near misses, and kids often don’t report them. If you are hit at 40mph there is an 85 per cent chance you’ll die.”

Ms Cartwright said the building of a crossing could be part of the plans for the Mirfield 25 site. “But we don’t want to wait 10 years for something to happen,” she said.

Mrs Barker said: “The speeds on that road are concerning. Anything that makes it safer for children to cross a very busy road has my backing. There is no other way for them to come from that area and children will always look for the quickest way.

“I’ve had parents and drivers say it’s an accident waiting to happen. All it needs is a lapse in concentration or someone with earphones in.”

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A Kirklees Council spokeswoman said: “We are aware of parents concerns, and we will respond to the petition once it has been submitted to us.”

To sign the petition, go to: http://epetition.kirklees.public-i.tv/epetition_core/community/petition/2413. Email slipperlane@hotmail.co.uk